How to make a Delicious Cupcake

How to make a Delicious Cupcake

1.  Spread paper clay with a rolling pin. 

2. Cut out the clay along the edge of template.
(Click below to download the template.)

3.  Place a paper cup on cardboard.
Draw a circle along the bottom of paper cup.

4. Cut out the circle with scissors.

5. Put clay around the paper cup.
Use the clay you cut along template.

6. Attach the cardboard on the bottom.

7. Remove the paper cup and trim the rim of clay cup.

8. Design the shape of cup with a sharp tool.

9. To make cream, roll paper clay until it gets very long. 

10. Put this clay around the paper cup. 

11. Keep coiling it after you remove the cup. 

12. Use a knife to creat creamy texture.

13. Air dry first. 

14. Color with your choice of color.

15. Decorate with color clay.





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